Sunday, August 24, 2014

Project : Face Paint (March 2014)

Now i find my self a time to post and update my blog today so now i will give you guys my Face Paint project we just did March for our culminating activity, so this is not the official picture i use for our exhibit but i use my other best pick photo for to share.

Equipment i use for this is my Canon 60D, 50mm 1.8/f Lens and for our lighting we just use a light bulb a florescent and incandescent. We don't have any budget for that time so we just use some of our resources just to continue our shoot like our background we use our old black fabric, i post process it using Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Of course with the help of our Visual Arts Classmates we made this possible, they work it for 1 hour to 2 hours to make this face paint which the model choose what they want to put on their faces.

i use the disperse effect or scatter effect

| (c)Jonerec Cereno - DRec_Fotography |
March 2014
| Canon 60D | 50mm 1.8/f lens | 

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